Saturday, March 29, 2014

So we did things normally first!

So the decision was made... we were going to try for a baby! I went off birth control and wanted to get my cycles back in order and on a preconception multivitamin before we actively started trying the start of 2012. Steve was convinced it would happen straight away, me not so much. After 6 months my cycles were all over the place, long, short, heavy, light. I knew something was up. After speaking with my mum, she told me she had PCOS and so did my younger sister. After researching it, I knew I probably had it, even with limited symptoms listed. I went to see my GP asking for a referral to an OBGYN or for some tests. I walked in, told her my concerns and she immediately said I was being paranoid. I was shocked! I just wanted to know what was going on with my body. I told her my family history and she said, 'well you haven't been trying a year, you might just be pregnant now.' I started to tear up... I was not pregnant! She refused to write any tests or referrals for me, but insisted I take a pregnancy test before I left. Of course it was negative and I was furious by the end. I was NEVER going back to her again.

After that experience I left seeing another doctor for a few more months, nothing improved. I finally got the courage to see another doctor. I told her my story again and immediately she was writing me blood tests, scans and reassuring me that I had the right to know what was going on.

The next few weeks I went and got the bloods and scan done and was back seeing her. She told me what I already knew... PCOS. Within 3 weeks I was in seeing my OBGYN and what a relief! Surely this meant I would be pregnant really soon?!?! Boy was I wrong!

Let's start at the beginning...

I met my wonderful soul mate, Steven when I was 17 years old in 2007 while I was at Uni studying teaching. As we got to know each other we became good friends, which turned into something much more. I simply cannot imagine my life without him in it! In 2011 we got married. We had always discussed having children and both wanted kids. Me, I had wanted kids since I could remember. So, even though we were paying off a house, had just got married we decided to start trying. We were both in secure jobs and wanted this. Something was telling me this was not going to be as easy as most people find it... boy was I right.

I thought for me to always remember this massive journey, I would write it down somewhere that would not get lost. So... here is our story.