Saturday, March 29, 2014

So we did things normally first!

So the decision was made... we were going to try for a baby! I went off birth control and wanted to get my cycles back in order and on a preconception multivitamin before we actively started trying the start of 2012. Steve was convinced it would happen straight away, me not so much. After 6 months my cycles were all over the place, long, short, heavy, light. I knew something was up. After speaking with my mum, she told me she had PCOS and so did my younger sister. After researching it, I knew I probably had it, even with limited symptoms listed. I went to see my GP asking for a referral to an OBGYN or for some tests. I walked in, told her my concerns and she immediately said I was being paranoid. I was shocked! I just wanted to know what was going on with my body. I told her my family history and she said, 'well you haven't been trying a year, you might just be pregnant now.' I started to tear up... I was not pregnant! She refused to write any tests or referrals for me, but insisted I take a pregnancy test before I left. Of course it was negative and I was furious by the end. I was NEVER going back to her again.

After that experience I left seeing another doctor for a few more months, nothing improved. I finally got the courage to see another doctor. I told her my story again and immediately she was writing me blood tests, scans and reassuring me that I had the right to know what was going on.

The next few weeks I went and got the bloods and scan done and was back seeing her. She told me what I already knew... PCOS. Within 3 weeks I was in seeing my OBGYN and what a relief! Surely this meant I would be pregnant really soon?!?! Boy was I wrong!

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